February 23, 2011

Clearance to commence running!!

So it's been a few weeks since my last update mainly as everything has been going to plan. I've continued my rehab program going to the gym Monday-Friday doing upper body workouts, leg weights, cross trainer, exercise bike and shuffling/jogging once a week. On Saturdays I've also been walking around the Botanical Gardens (the tan) and occasionally have gone to the pools although not as much as I would have liked!

I saw my surgeon this morning and I got the news I've been waiting for - I am now officially cleared to run! I'm very excited as I can now increase my rehab intensity although obviously being sensible about it and following what my physio advises. My surgeon was very happy with my knee and said that I have now caught up to all his other patients who were operated on back in October. He said that whilst I could probably return in 2-3 months to full sports he wants to take a cautious approach due to my early complications (staph infection) so therefore said I can return between 9-12 months from my first operation (4-7 months time).

So I'm roughly half way there! I mentioned returning to cricket (pre-season commences in September) was my goal and he said there shouldn't be a problem with that. I'm obviously very excited and will be interested to see what the physio has in store for me when I see him later today.

February 7, 2011

February 2nd – 4 months post op

Yesterday was the four month anniversary since my original operation although I did have a 2nd op 10 days following the original one due to staph infection. Considering the early days and where I was at I’m very happy and thankful where I am currently at. Since my last update (last Friday) I have continued to do quite a bit – on Saturday I walked 4.3 kms in the morning followed by some rehab work in the pool in the afternoon, Sunday I took a well deserved rest day and for the first two days this week I’ve been doing my usual work in the gym.

Last night I attended soccer training and walked laps of the oval as well as doing some jogging/shuffling every 50 meters for 10-15 meters. I’ve been doing this once a week as well as walking on Saturdays for the last 3 weeks so I am in a good routine right now. Basically my standard week looks like the following:

•  Monday – chest & leg workout at the gym, exercise bike at home for 20 minutes
•  Tuesday – back workout & cross trainer for 10 minutes at the gym, walking/jogging at soccer training for 45 minutes
•  Wednesday – triceps & exercise bike for 20 minutes at the gym
•  Thursday – shoulders & leg workout at the gym, 15-20 minutes on the exercise bike at home
•  Friday – biceps & cross trainer for 10 minutes at the gym, 20 minutes on the exercise bike at home
•  Saturday – walking 4.3 kms (around the tan) in the morning & pool work in the afternoon
•  Sunday – 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike

As mentioned in an earlier post I am seeing my surgeon on the 24th of February where I hope I get given full clearance to commence running again!

January 28th – 17 weeks post op (or 120 days)

It has been 17 weeks since my ACL reconstruction operation. I have had a good week of rehab starting at the pools on both Saturday and Sunday. I made myself a program based on what I’m able to do in the pool currently. The pool I go to is 50 meters in length so my plan was as follows:

•  Walk 10-15 meters
•  Lunges for 10-15 meters
•  Jog for 10-15 meters
•  Swim remaining 10 meters or so

I did approximately 10 full laps (1km) on both Saturday and Sunday as well as doing the exercise bike for 20 minutes at night. This program works well for me and the knee always feels a lot better once I’ve done pool work. Apart from that I also did leg weights on Monday followed by 20 minutes on the exercise bike, I did the shuffle jog / walk for an hour on Tuesday as well as doing the cross trainer for 10 minutes, I did 30 minutes on the exercise bike on Wednesday and yesterday I did another 10 minutes on the cross trainer. Today I am planning to do leg weights once again followed by the cross trainer and exercise bike tonight.