November 25, 2010

8 weeks post op!

I thought I would never come so far.... well not in a ‘short’ period of time anyway. I know it’s been 8 weeks since my original op (and 6 and half following my 2nd one to clear the infection) but just 3 weeks ago I was still hobbling around on one crutch! Amazing how quickly the body can recover although I still have a long way to go. Having said that things feel like they are returning to normal – I’m now off the antibiotics thank god so hopefully all goes well in that area and I’m sitting quite normally at my desk now only needing to raise my leg up every now and then. My walking is quite good although my wife still thinks I have a slight limp although my physio says I am walking normally! Personally I think my walking style has changed slightly to compensate for weak leg muscles on the right leg.
Last night I did my usual exercises (SLRs, leg side raises, quad tensing, hamstring stretch & calf raises) although I keep it to only 5 minutes on the exercise bike due to the achy feeling I had on the lateral side of my knee after my PT session. Today it’s back to normal though which is good. I’m planning a gym session after work (shoulders, biceps & legs) followed by some bike riding. Tomorrow I’ve planned to have a pool session and once again planning to take it fairly easy this weekend. So far so good!

November 24, 2010

Day 56 - Two more exercises to do

I’m in good spirits today after seeing my PT although I am a little sore on the lateral side of the knee (behind the knee) after he gave my knee a good 15 minute massage. It could either be that or a result of trying a couple of the new exercises he gave but at least it’s feeling better after icing and extending my leg on another chair. He was once again happy with the state of my knee and said that although there is still a bit of swelling he expects it to come down in the next 3 weeks. His rationale is that because I’m a big guy (6 ft 5) and have long limbs this is putting extra pressure on the knee which all makes sense.
Apart from the swelling he is very happy with my progress and wants me to continue doing the same exercises along with the additional two exercises:
·         One legged squat leaning against exercise ball which is against the wall. This will help build up my core strength in additional to the quads
·         One legged squat on rolled up towel or balancing on wobble board. He wants me to work on the stability of my knee
So I’m looking forward to giving these exercises a go at the gym tomorrow with my other exercises. Last night I did 12 minutes on the bike along with my other exercises (SLRs, quad tensing, calf raises, and 4 directions using sports cord) and I also had a workout at the gym consisting of the following:
·         Triceps workout – Skull crushers 3 x 10, Close grip barbell press 3 x 10 (superset doing one set of skull crushers followed by close grip barbell press), pushdowns 3 x 10 & single arm kickbacks using cable 3 x 10
·         Quad tensing & ankle pumps – 1 set of each
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Calf raises – 3 sets of 10
·         One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 10
·         Squats with both legs (1/3 of the way down) – 3 sets of 10
·         Exercise ball on wall – 3 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20

November 23, 2010

Day 55 - hot days!

The last couple of days have been good despite the heat in Melbourne. Temperatures have hit 30+ degrees this week but thankfully the swelling in the knee doesn’t look like it’s increased.  Work has been quiet this week also which has enabled me to go to the gym on my lunch break which is great! I feel like my walking is getting better every day although I still have a slight limp which I need to keep working on.
Each of the last 3 mornings I have started the day with 3 sets of 10 of the straight leg raises which seems to work well for me. I am now able to sit at my desk for longer periods of time with my leg down but I do occasionally prop it up on another chair when it feels like it’s stiffening up. I’ve done the following at the gym in the last 2 days:
·         Chest workout – Flat bench press (3 x 8), Incline chest press machine (3 x 8 focusing on negatives) & incline dumbbell flyes (3 x 10)
·         Quad tensing & ankle pumps – 1 set of each
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Calf raises – 3 sets of 10
·         One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 10
·         Exercise ball on wall – 4 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20

·         Back workout – Lat pull down machine close grip (3 x 10), Lat pull down wide grip (3 x 8) & Seated row machine (3 x 8)
·         Quad tensing & ankle pumps – 1 set of each
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Calf raises – 3 sets of 10
·         One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 10
·         Exercise ball on wall – 4 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20
Today I’m planning to work on my triceps followed by my usual leg exercises. I’ll also do my usual exercises at home following by some more bike riding. I’ve actually stepped this area up and have done 15 minutes each time for the last 2 nights (just over 5 km each time). The knee feels great after this and it’s also nice to get a good sweat up!
 I’m looking forward to seeing my PT tomorrow to see what he has in store for me – hopefully some new exercises!

November 21, 2010

Day 53 - Good progress continues...

Another week ticked over making it 7 weeks post the original op last Friday. The knee has progressed quite nicely since my last update and I’ve noticed I’m walking a lot better the last couple of days. I had an active weekend and each time my knee has pulled up well which I’m very happy about! After doing a 10 minute ride on the exercise bike on Thursday night along with all my exercises Friday commenced as usual with 3 sets of 10 of straight leg raises.
It was a busy day so I went to the gym after work and did a shoulder & bicep workout and then my leg workout. I did the following exercises:
·         Shoulders – Seated shoulder press (3 x 8), Seated lateral raises (3 x 12) & dumbbell front raises (3 x 12)
·         Biceps – Barbell curls (3 x 10) & Seated 45 degree angle dumbbell curls (3 x 8 each side)
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Calf raises – 3 sets of 10
·         One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 10
·         Exercise ball on wall – 4 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20
Following this I went out for pizza on Lygon st with my wife and did a bit of walking. The knee felt fine and once we got home I did some further exercises along with a brief ride on the exercise bike (5 mins). On Saturday I commenced the day with SLRs and following relaxing in a cafe for a couple of hours before going to the pools to do some more rehab work. At the pools I walked approximately 15 laps at a faster pace this time. In between I did ¼ one legged squats (around 6 sets), one legged calf raises (around 6 sets) and controlled leg swings (around 6 sets again).
Some friends came over during Sat night but I still managed to excuse myself for 15 mins to do my exercises and to do 5 minutes on the exercise bike! I figured I didn’t need to do too much after spending nearly 1.5 hours in the pool during the day!  On Sunday I started the day with SLRs again and some quad tensing. We then had a really enjoyable Sunday in the sun spending around 4 hours in St.Kilda. I also saw Archie Thompson who had a knee reco 8 months ago and was happy to see both of his knees looking the same in terms of shape, size etc! It’s funny how you become obsessed with knees after you go through this! It was a morale booster to see how well he has done and he played his 3rd game on Wednesday for Victory although they lost L
I thought my knee would complain after sitting down for approx 4 hours (mostly in the shade though) however I was happy to see it didn’t swell up too much and actually felt fine once we got home. After having the in-laws over for a couple of hours I did my usual exercises followed by 8 minutes on the bike. I did enough without going overboard on the weekend and it seemed to be a good balance for me. Things are progressing well.

November 17, 2010

Day 49 - Good news!

A much better day today with some great news from my surgeon! As I walked in he had a big smile and said “I’m happy” referring to my blood test results. My infection reading is down to 1 (normal level is under 5) and he even joked that my level is probably lower than his at the moment! I was very relieved to hear that it’s dropped down to a normal level and he said I can finish off using the antibiotics after my next course to complete the full 6 week course. He also said that all the other key indicators in my blood test were all at normal levels.
He then had a good look at my leg and was happy with what he sore. He pulled the lower part of my leg and told me the ligament was strong and once again said he was happy! He said that I had basically caught up to the patients he had operated on 6 weeks ago and that now I would only have to concentrate on my rehab.  
Exercise wise I haven’t done much today apart from my straight leg lifts in the morning (3 x 10) and some quad tensing at my desk when I get a chance as work is getting busy! I saw my PT on my lunch break and he was pleased to hear about the good news after seeing my surgeon.  He was also happy to see me walking unaided and commented on how much better my knee looked saying it was “less angry”! I gave him an update on how I had gone with the exercises and he wanted me to continue with the same program for the next week as there is still some swelling there which he hopes will come down. He gave my knee a good 10-15 minute massage and that was pretty much it! He said if anything I might even be overdoing but he’s happy with my attitude and dedication. He also said not to do any more than 15 minutes a day on the bike.
I did ask if I could do an additional hamstring exercise and he said I could do a standing hamstring curl with no weight so I will give that a go tonight. Tonight I’m intending to do all my exercises along with a 15 minute ride on the exercise bike. I’m feeling positive about it all especially after the good news today!

November 16, 2010

Day 48 - still a long way to go!

Yesterday was a good reminder that I still have a long way to go. After a good day on Monday where I went to the gym and did my usual exercises along with a 12 minute bike ride, yesterday didn’t go so well.  The day started in a rush as I woke up late and therefore didn’t have time to do my exercises in the morning – a bad start! I was then involved in a couple of meetings at work where I was sitting for long periods of time with my knee bent which didn’t help. I did manage to do my exercises during my lunch break which helped and I iced my knee afterwards. At this point I was doing ok.
However I had one further meeting after lunch (once again knee bent) and I then had a family dinner to attend after work. This is where the problems began! Standing waiting for my wife to pick me up for 30 minutes meant my knee had swollen up a bit (I did manage to find a seat at a nearby bus stop for around 15 minutes of the 30). Then an hour drive to her uncle’s house aggravated the knee further. We then stayed for around 2 hours where I was sitting for most of the time followed by a 40 minute drive to visit my grandma! After a quick visit it was off to my sister’s place to drop off a cake for my niece’s 7th birthday and we finally got home around 9pm! My knee was not happy!! I elevated and iced for 30 minutes before doing my exercises and a short 6 minute ride on the exercise bike.
I now realise how much further I have to go but then again it was a long day where I wasn’t really looking after my knee as I usually do. The previous day (Monday) was a good one where I did the following in the gym:
·        Chest workout – Incline bench press (3 x 10), seated chest press (3 x 8) & dumbbell flyes (3 x 10)
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Calf raises – 3 sets of 10
·         One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 10
·         Exercise ball on wall – 4 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20
I also did my exercises at home (quad tense lying down, pressing knee down with ankle on towel, SLRs, lateral leg raises, hamstring stretch) as well as a 12 minute bike ride. Today I will be going to the gym to do my leg work as well as doing a back / triceps workout. Tomorrow I will be seeing my surgeon for another follow up and he will also review the results of the blood test which I had done this morning. Hopefully today is better than yesterday!

November 14, 2010

6 weeks post op!

Friday marked 6 weeks since my original ACL reconstruction operation and around 4 and a half weeks since the 2nd operation to clear the infection. I am feeling very positive about my progress particularly in the last 2 weeks and I am happy I am now able to walk around reasonably comfortably although my knee does swell up if I walk too much or stand for too long.
Some milestones from the weekend:
·         Walking up and down stairs ‘normally’
·         Getting out of the shower with no assistance (previously always had to use one crutch due to the step we have to get in and out of shower)
·         First pool session!
·         Walking / standing for a couple of hours whilst watching the team I play for (Beaumaris SC) participate in a pre-season tournament
After the big gym session on Friday night I did my exercises once again at night followed by a 12 minute ride on the exercise bike. On Saturday I went for my first pool session which was great! I did 10 laps of the 25 meter pool (500 meters in total) and in between did some exercises including calf raises, one legged squats and controlled leg swings.  I found it a lot easier to walk in the pool and also managed to go half way down for the one legged squats. I was wondering if I am now able to do lunges in the pool so I’ll need to ask my physio next time I see him.  I also went into the hydrotherapy pool for a little while which was relaxing. At night I did my exercises followed by a short 5 minute bike ride. It is also worth mentioning that I did 100 straight leg lifts on each day over the weekend.
On Sunday I did my exercises in the morning and then watched Beaumaris play in a pre-season tournament. It was great to get out and about and to catch up with the guys. Following this I did some more exercises in the evening followed by a 14 minute bike ride which felt great. I am looking to another good gym session today!
6 weeks post op - operated leg on the top

November 11, 2010

First gym session in 6 weeks!

It’s been a massive day. So much so I’ll be struggling to keep awake this afternoon! I started the day with my usual exercises in the morning along with 3 x 10 straight leg lifts – these are getting easier by the day which is great.  I then packed my backpack for the gym and was driven in to work as usual. I decided to walk the 500 or so meters to the gym without a walking stick figuring it would be good for my leg. It was tough work especially carrying the backpack as well and I even had to stop for a break sitting on a bench when I was half way there!  The gym session itself was tough work but great – it’s fantastic to be back!
It was good to see familiar faces and a few asked how I was going. After a bit of a chat I got straight into some upper body working doing the following:
1)      Back - Lat pull down 3 x 10
2)      Chest – Flat bench press 3 x10 (was happy I was able to get up to 80kgs on this despite 6 weeks off, better than I expected!)
3)      Chest – Fly Machine 3 x 10
4)      Shoulders – Dumbbells overhead press 3 x 8 (15 kg dumbbells)
5)      Shoulders – Dumbbell lateral raises 3 x 12 (8 kg dumbbells)
6)      Biceps – seated dumbbell curls alternating 3 x 12 (15 kg dumbbells)
I didn’t have enough time to do my triceps but they got a decent workout from the flat bench press and overheard press. I’m planning to get back to my full 3 day program next week along with all the leg work. As for the leg work today I felt I did well considering the walk and upper body work out. I measured my legs as I was interested to see how much size I had lost and my measurements were as follows:

Right (operated leg)

It was a bit of a shock as at my peak my quads were around 62cm and my calves were 42cms. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me! I also weighed myself for the first time since the original operation and now weight 95.5kgs, approximately 2.5kgs lighter than before the op.
For legs at the gym today I did the following:
1)      Quad tensing lying down – 1 set of 10
2)      Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10
3)      One legged squats (1/4) – 3 sets of 6
4)      Exercise ball on wall – 4 sets of 10 (6 sec squeeze)
I also did some ab work on the exercise ball and walked back to work. All up it was a 1.5 hour workout! I plan on doing another 10 mins on the bike tonight (did 12 minutes last night) along with my usual exercises. I am also planning to get into the pool tomorrow to do some walking, more partial squats and some controlled leg swings as advised by my physio.
I just hope I didn’t overdo it today but the knee is not complaining yet thank god!

November 10, 2010

First physio session

Another day passes and things seem to be going in the right direction! I didn’t get a chance to use the Lectric Soda last night but will make sure I give it a go over the next few nights. Last night I rested the leg for a while by elevating it about heart level and icing it. I’ve been icing my knee quite a bit and it’s definitely helping along with the anti-inflammatory.  I did my exercises 3 times yesterday along with riding the exercise bike for 10 minutes on level 4 (even on level 5 for a while).
So the real exciting part for me was seeing my physio for the first time today!  I have full confidence in him as I saw him 7 years ago (he reminded me it was 7 years ago whereas I thought it was 5!) to help with my ankle rehab. At the time I was meant to have been out for 10 weeks but came back after 4 thanks to him! His name is Roger Moore and he recently finished up at the North Melbourne football club (Kangaroos) after being their physio for 21 years! Lots and lots of experience there! Interesting enough he also knows my surgeon Hayden Morris through their kids! Small world!
Anyway the session was a good one. He initially looked at my knee and didn’t think the swelling was that bad (maybe it’s worse in my mind as its main concern right now). He got me to do one legged squats (1/4 of the way down) and I did 2-3 reasonably well. I was surprised as didn’t expect to be doing those so quickly! He then got me on the physio table to check the extension of my leg along with my ROM. He was happy with my ROM and basically said it’s enough to do my whole rehab program which was good to hear but that we needed to work on my extension (which was around 5 degrees from zero).  He then massaged the back of my knee for a good 10 minutes and that seemed to do the trick as he was able to get my extension to 0.
He then showed me a really good exercise using a medicine ball. Basically the medicine ball is against the wall with the injured leg slightly bent and pressed against it holding it up. He then got me to push back on the medicine ball which will help the teardrop muscles get some size and strength back as well as helping my gait (assisting walking). The focus of the session was to work on the areas which will help me walk again properly. He then briefly showed me how to use a sports cord in 4 different directions to help get my balance back. Overall the plan for the next week is as follows:
1)      Exercise ball on wall – 10 second squeeze for 6 reps x 4 sets
2)      Lying down with towel under ankle (pushing knee down) to regain more extension. He wants to get me down to -5 degrees. 5 seconds for 10 reps x 3 sets
3)      ¼ squat – he didn’t specify how many of these to do
4)      Using the sports cord on my good leg he wants me to balance on my operated leg whilst swinging the good leg in 4 different directions (forwards, backwards, left and right). He wants me to only start this one next Wednesday
5)      Upper body work in the gym – looking forward to getting back into it! Plan to start tomorrow!
Apart from all that he also wants me to continue with the straight leg raises (100 a day) and to start in the pool (walking laps, working on balance & leg swings) along with the usual elevating, icing and compression when I can. I also plan on continuing with my other exercises as well as the bike. Looks like I have a very busy week ahead!! Looking forward to getting into it!

November 9, 2010

Lectric Soda Crystals

The swelling is slowly starting to come down no doubt mainly due to the anti-inflammatory (Naproxen or NSAIDs) which I’ve been taking every night for the past 5 nights along with the elevation and constant icing throughout the day.  My knee is almost starting to take some sort of shape which is encouraging! I gave the Lectric Soda Crystals a go on Monday night and it seemed to have helped also. Basically the Lectric Soda Crystals were put in an old sports sock and it was tied just below my knee.

Then a plastic bag was put over it and the ends were taped using masking tape and finally a towel was wrapped around so that the bed would not get wet. I ended up keeping it on from around 11pm to 1:30am but finally had to take it off as it was so uncomfortable. I did notice that when taking it off the sock was wet due to the moisture which was drawn out. I’ll probably give it another go tonight but before going to bed to see if it works as effectively. I’ve been doing my usual exercises (quad tightening, knee slides, straight leg raises, side leg raises & calf raises) twice a day instead of four times a day mainly to give the swelling a chance to go down.
On top of that I’ve been riding the exercise bike for 6-7 minutes a day. I’m still on level 4 in terms of resistance (highest level is 8) but I have managed to lower the seat another notch. I’m really looking forward to my first formal physio session tomorrow at 1pm. Hopefully it takes me to the next level of my rehab.

November 7, 2010

Ice, Ice and more Ice!

So with the focus being on reducing the swelling in my knee based on the surgeon’s advice a lot of my weekend was spent with my right knee elevated above heart level using lots of ice! I did this by lying on the couch putting 3 large cushions under my leg and by pushing the top cushion a little further back it gave me the added bonus of being able to keep my leg straight as well. I spent most of Friday night with my leg about heart level (approx 3 hours) and a lot of Saturday night in the same position (once again 3 maybe 4 hours).  I was icing every 2 hours for 15-20 mins.
On Saturday I ventured out for a bit with my lovely wife and family to the Botanical gardens to help me keep sane! I’m still on one crutch as need it for support due to the swelling. Whilst at the Botanical gardens I was able to ‘win’ an auction on eBay with a great adjustable walking stick only costing me $10.70 ($3.40 for the walking stick and rest for delivery!) – What a bargain! I’m looking forward to getting it as I think I can now get around on a walking stick as the crutch can become uncomfortable under the arm pit. I am getting frustrated by the swelling though as it seems every time I stand for 10 minutes or so or walk around a bit my knee swells up quite a bit. After walking for a while at the botanical gardens my knee swelled up again (keep in mind I’m also using a tubigrip bandage) and we decided it was time to go home.
In between watching soccer (A-League and EPL) as well as playing Championship Manager 2010 I did some research on natural remedies for reducing swelling. Before I go on I have to say it was also inspiring to see Archie Thompson play his first game in 8 months after his ACL operation! There is actually a lot of information out there on this exact topic surprisingly. I talked to my dad about it for a while on Sunday and he mentioned a good friend (who was also a nurse) recommended using cabbage! Interesting I thought but I was willing to give it a go as I remember how much potato and onions helped 5 years ago to draw a lot of the toxins out of my badly injured ankle at the time. So my dad came over, battered the leaf a bit to ensure some of the juices came out and placed on my knee and then rolled gladwrap around it! Here is a picture which looks quite funny:

Yes that is cabbage on my leg!!

I used the cabbage for around 7 hours during the day and also used another piece overnight (once again around 7 hours). After removing the first piece I have to say my knee did feel better but the swelling was not reduced, if anything it heated the area which is probably not the best for reducing swelling! However, after this I was able to hit the bike for 11 minutes working up a real sweat for the first time in a long time doing 3.6 kms on level 4 (out of 8 levels) so I was pretty happy with this.  I also did the bike on Saturday for 7 mins (around 2.2 kms) along with my usual exercises a couple of times a day. Back to the cabbage – I’ve decided it probably is useful but for a shorter period of time and without gladwrap as that keeps the heat in. Using a breathable tea towel is probably a better option.

I’ve also decided to give Electric Soda a go tonight as apparently that’s also a good way to reduce swelling. I’ll see how it goes; I might even give the potato a go once again if this doesn’t go to plan!  I have to mention I have also started using an anti-inflammatory table since getting them on Saturday so I hope using that in additional to some 'home' remedies will help get the swelling down.

November 3, 2010

Follow up with surgeon

It's now been nearly 5 weeks since my 1st operation and 3 and half weeks since the second operation. I had my follow up with the surgeon this morning and he's satisfied with my progress although he wants me to get the swelling down as soon as possible! He suggested icing the knee more times during the day along with elevation and doesn't want me to overdo it with the bike and other exercises. I'll be continuing on antibiotics for another 2 weeks apparently and also starting to take an anti-inflammatory to assist in getting the swelling down!
I actually wrote a list of questions to ask the surgeon (as I always forget what to ask otherwise) so here were today's questions and his response:
1) Is swelling & a purple / red colour normal after a hot shower?
Yes quite normal. The swelling will eventually go but the focus is to get it down as much as possible. He also stated it's preventing me getting my flexion any further than the approx 120 degress I can get at the moment.
2) Am I now able to put any cream on my knee?
Yes - Vitamin E cream or Bio Serum is fine.
3) What are the chances of the staph infection coming back? How will it be monitored?
Chances of it coming back now are very minimal. He mentioned that generally he only needs to do one 'flush out' following infection but in some cases he has to do it three times. He also mentioned that if it does come back it's generally the first few days after the 2nd op. The reason he has me continuing on the antibiotics are to ensure it doesn't come back.
4) Am I allowed to travel on the plane on the 4th of December (holiday to Bali)? If yes should I take a walking stick to show others I am injured?
Yes I can travel then. Walking stick can be taken if required otherwise he told me just to be careful and not go in the ocean. Walking along the beach and swimming will be fine at that stage.
5) Should I be taking an anti-inflammatory for swelling at this stage?
He beat me to this one! He recommended I take them at this stage.
6) When am I allowed to commence hamstring exercises?
Immediately. I can continue hamstring stretches as well as any other exercises but prefers me to wait until I see my physio.
7) Am I allowed to take pro-biotics each day?
Yes that's fine.
8) Can I now see a physio? (As I already booked one for tomorrow)
Not as yet (cancelled the appointment) but can commence next week.
9) Am I now able to do more than 10 mins at a time on the exercise bike?
Not as yet. The focus at this stage should be on getting my swelling down.
As you can see I had a few questions.... hopefully this helps any of you which have similar questions! Tonight I'll take it fairly easy by elevating and icing my knee. I'll most likely do another 7-10 mins on the bike depending how I'm feeling.

November 2, 2010

Progress since the 18th of October

I will include all of my diary entries from the 18th of October until today as they are all very short. Hopefully I will continue to provide fairly regular updates from here onwards!
October 18th – Flexion approx up to 70 degrees
October 20th – went out for coffee and flexion now up to 90 degrees!
October 22nd – I was able to do straight leg raises lying down for the first time since the first couple of days after the 1st operation (5 in total). I lost the ability to do these 4-5 days after the original operation most likely due to the infection.

My swollen knee after a shower
October 23rd – more straight leg raises (3 in total) although does cause some pain in knee (pain probably 2 or 3 out of 10)
October 24th – Flexion now up to approx 100 degrees possibly more
October 25th – I saw the surgeon for a review following the 2nd operation. He was happy with my progress and asked me not to formally commence PT as yet. I will have a follow up appointment next week to check my progress again. I am now allowed to do some light bike riding (5-10 mins at a time) which is a relief.

Doing my exercises on the couch
October 26th – first day back at work. Went well and energy levels were good. I did my exercises 4 times today.
October 27th – I was very sleepy today and struggled to get through work particularly in the afternoon. Late at night I had a breakthrough and was able to do 3 x 10 straight leg raises! Big relief!
October 28th – much better day and I felt stronger in the operated leg. I did more straight leg raises (1 set of 10) along with usual exercises. I used 1 crutch around the house at night. I bought an exercise bike on ebay for $32 (absolute bargain!) and I’m looking forward to using it soon!
October 29th – Continuing good progress. ROM now up to around 120 degrees and I used one crutch around work. Still continuing with the usual exercises.
October 30th – I did more walking than usual during the morning on one crutch and was a little sore in the afternoon. Usual exercises done throughout the day.
October 31st – Picked up exercise bike which was bought on eBay. I did 10 minutes on the bike with the seat put at the highest level and done on 2nd lowest resistance. I felt a little sore afterwards as expected and iced my knee afterwards. I did my usual exercises as well.
November 1st – Back at work for another day. I did my usual exercises. I had a massive breakthrough when I was able to walk for the first time without crutches for around 5 metres or so. It was more like a hobble with lots of limping but still a good sign! I will continue to use only one crutch from here onwards. I did a further 10 mins on the exercise bike (resistance 3 out of 10) with the seat one notch lower.
November 2nd – Day off work due to Melbourne Cup day. I did exercises in morning before going for a BBQ at a friend’s house. I didn’t do too much during the day although I did do exercises again around 7pm at their place – consistency is the key! I Got home around 10:30pm and did around 7 mins (2 km) on the exercise bike on level 3 again. I am starting to get more confident and stronger on the bike.

Big difference between my legs
November 3rd – Did usual exercises in the morning and on lunch break. I am seeing my surgeon tomorrow so looking forward to that. Hopefully get the all clear to commence formal physio sessions. I already made an appointment at 1pm (lunch break) on Friday with Gordon McDonald at the Melbourne Sports Med centre.

October 17th - Post Op Rehab commences

Commenced rehab exercises as prescribed by physio. Physio involved exercises which I did after the first operation:
1)      Ankle movement (moving foot up and down to help blood circulation)
2)      Quad squeezing – 1 set of 10 (10 seconds each)
3)      Knee bending (using towel if required) – 1 set of 10 (10 seconds each)
4)      Straightening leg by resting heel on towel (did this for 10 minutes)
5)      Hamstring stretch by sitting down having legs straight and leaning forward – 1 set of 5 (20 seconds each)
6)      Standing leg raises with operated leg – 1 set of 10 (5 seconds each)
7)      Calf raises – 1 set of 15 or 20
I did these exercises generally 4 times a day.

October 11th – 2nd Operation (Happy birthday!)

I saw the surgeon on Monday October the 11th (my birthday coincidentally) for the 10 day check up. He had a bit of a look and was immediately concerned. He asked me to stand up without the brace and could see that I was struggling to keep any sort of balance. My leg was in pretty bad shape. He then immediately jabbed a needle in my knee and pulled out some blood. The colour of the blood was tomato red and he told me what I did not want to hear – my knee was infected. Happy b'day to me! Funnily enough in a way I was relieved as I knew something was wrong and it explained the sudden pain and aches I had been experiencing. I was told that I would feel a million bucks after the 2nd op to flush the infection out.
A second operation was scheduled immediately (following all the other operations he had scheduled that day). I was very calm while waiting in the waiting room, much more than the first time around. I was finally wheeled into the operating theatre around 6pm and a normal scope was done to try and flush out as much of the infection from my knee as possible. My parents visited me that night along with my wife Elma. I remember feeling much better but also groggy. I just wanted to sleep. They didn’t stay long and I had the best night’s sleep which I had for a while!

At Mercy Hospital - Elma in the background watching TV!
I stayed until hospital for 6 days feeling better each day. I was on an IV drip for the first 5 days for a ‘cover all’ antibiotic. It was discovered that the infection was staph. I was discharged on Saturday and given a tablet form of antibiotic (Cephalexin) and told by the surgeon to continue to take it for 6 weeks.

Outside on the balcony at Mercy Hospital - nothing can stop me now!

October 1st – My first operation (Knee Recon) & recovery

As with most people I felt very nervous before my first ever operation. It didn’t help that I had to wait so long! Thankfully my wife came with me and waited with me for a couple of hours in the waiting room.  Eventually I was taken to my room around 3pm where I would recover during the night after the operation.

Around 5pm the assistant nurses came up to take me to the operating theatre. I was covered with a blanket with was filled with warm air to keep me warm which was nice. At this stage I was actually reasonably calm. I was wheeled into the theatre and there must have been at least 6 or 7 surgeons around! An IV drip was put into my left hand and after a little bit of chit chat with me doing most of the talking I was completely knocked out!
I woke up in the room around 8:30pm and remember feeling groggy but surprisingly good... actually much better than I expected. I took panadol every 4 hours on the nurse’s advice despite feeling ok.  I actually slept reasonably well considering. My wife came in the morning and I was discharged around 10:30am.

The first 3 days of recovery were spent at my parent’s house with my wife also staying over in the spare room with me. In general it went pretty well and I was only taking panadol during this period. I did take panadol forte once on Sunday night (2 days after the operation). The main pain I was experiencing was back pain as I am used to sleeping on my side and could not get comfortable on my parent’s spare bed!

Recovery went ok up to Tuesday the 5th of October. I had fever and cold shivers on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th. I called surgeon on Thursday to state my concerns but only got to speak to the assistant nurse and not Hayden. I was asked a few questions such as:
1)      Is there much swelling in your knee?
2)      Is there any redness around the knee?
3)      Is your knee unusually hot?
4)      Is there any discharge coming from your knee which is a yellow, green or puss looking colour?
I answered no to all questions apart from swelling which I stated looked very swollen. Thinking about it now it probably wasn’t too hot as I was icing my knee regularly. I was told by the assistant nurse that it was ok and that it didn’t sound like infection. She advised me to see my local GP for a second opinion. I saw the GP later that day and was told it was not infection after he thoroughly inspected my knee. I also had a blood test which showed no infection apparently and I was not called (I was told if there was a problem they would give me a call).
It then got much worse for me. On Friday, Saturday & Sunday it was absolutely terrible during day and night. My leg constantly in pain and I had lots of back pain and aches. During these nights I was up every 2 hours due to the pain and I was drinking lots of water. I was also constantly craving fruit and had a massive fruit salad each morning on these 3 days. It was obviously my body trying to fight the infection.

September 13th – Pre Op Rehab

I started pre op rehab and continued for the 3 weeks as I was told by my team mate (who is also a physio) that getting the quad strong was a key for rehab post the operation. I did a combination of light bike riding (10-15 mins at a time) & light squats (built up to 12.5 kgs on each side) but mainly bike riding along with bridges. Actually I did lots of single leg bridges to strengthen my quads and hamstrings thanks to Ross’ advice again. I did it every day up to 2 days before the operation. For squats I did them on Wed 22nd September and Monday 27th September only.

September 8th - First meeting with the surgeon

I saw the surgeon (Hayden Morris) and he gave me a rundown of what my options included. We talked briefly about LARS (synthetic ligament) but we agreed it was not the best option due to uncertainty around how well it will hold up in future. We agreed that a traditional knee reconstruction using a graft from my hamstring from my injured leg would be the best option. I was hoping to get the operation booked in on the 17th, 18th or 19th of September however he was fully booked out until October 1st which I took up. I was told I would be last in after 12 other patients who were all getting clean ups or scopes that day. I was the only one who would be having a knee reconstruction.

September 2nd - Confirmation of torn ACL

I saw the Sports doc again who confirmed that the MRI showed I had a fully torn ACL in my right knee. She then made an appointment with a surgeon who does all the Melbourne Victory players – Hayden Morris.  In the last 12 months alone he has operated on Billy Celeski, Matthew Kemp and Archie Thomson so my confidence in him was high.

September 1st – MRI scan

I went in to get a MRI done on my right knee. I changed into one of their very trendy gowns and I was then moved into the MRI machine. Thankfully my head didn’t have to go in otherwise it would have been uncomfortable. The machine was quite loud and I was given headphones to listen to some music. I had to lie there for around 15 minutes and overall it wasn’t too bad.

August 27-30th - Recovery post injury

August 27-29th - I was very uncomfortable during the first 3 days after the injury and lost quite a bit of ROM (range of motion) due to swelling. I was on crutches throughout this period trying to put as little weight as possible on the injured leg. Taking a shower was a nightmare and needed a lot of help from my wife during this period.

August 30th – I started walking again with a noticeable limp. This continued for the next couple of weeks although each day there was less of a limp and I did a lot of basic quad exercises to ensure not too much muscle was lost. After working at home for a couple of days I was able to commence back at work.  I saw a Sports Doctor (Melbourne Victory Sports doc – Dr.Anik Shawdon) on Monday the 30th of August. She confirmed it looked like a torn ACL. A MRI scan was organised for later in the week.

August 26th - The actual injury

My ACL injury occurred at approx 8:30pm playing soccer for Beaumaris SC on an artificial surface at Darebin (DISC). The Injury occurred when I ran towards an opposition player to put pressure on him, as he turned quickly I attempted to turn also however my right foot got stuck in the ground and I fell over my knee accompanied by a loud ‘popping’ sound which everyone heard on the sidelines.
It was not a good feeling. For the first 2-3 minutes I was in absolute agony and the pain was excruciating, however it eased off quickly and I had a numb feeling after this. Thankfully team mates as well as the opposition physio helped me through a very difficult period. Team mates helped me to the car and I got a lift home also after icing my knee throughout the remainder of the game. Surprisingly there was not too much swelling after the injury and I spent the night sleeping on the couch. Pain killers were not required surprisingly.
Round 1 Vs Sparrows 2010 - in action jostling with the striker