November 17, 2010

Day 49 - Good news!

A much better day today with some great news from my surgeon! As I walked in he had a big smile and said “I’m happy” referring to my blood test results. My infection reading is down to 1 (normal level is under 5) and he even joked that my level is probably lower than his at the moment! I was very relieved to hear that it’s dropped down to a normal level and he said I can finish off using the antibiotics after my next course to complete the full 6 week course. He also said that all the other key indicators in my blood test were all at normal levels.
He then had a good look at my leg and was happy with what he sore. He pulled the lower part of my leg and told me the ligament was strong and once again said he was happy! He said that I had basically caught up to the patients he had operated on 6 weeks ago and that now I would only have to concentrate on my rehab.  
Exercise wise I haven’t done much today apart from my straight leg lifts in the morning (3 x 10) and some quad tensing at my desk when I get a chance as work is getting busy! I saw my PT on my lunch break and he was pleased to hear about the good news after seeing my surgeon.  He was also happy to see me walking unaided and commented on how much better my knee looked saying it was “less angry”! I gave him an update on how I had gone with the exercises and he wanted me to continue with the same program for the next week as there is still some swelling there which he hopes will come down. He gave my knee a good 10-15 minute massage and that was pretty much it! He said if anything I might even be overdoing but he’s happy with my attitude and dedication. He also said not to do any more than 15 minutes a day on the bike.
I did ask if I could do an additional hamstring exercise and he said I could do a standing hamstring curl with no weight so I will give that a go tonight. Tonight I’m intending to do all my exercises along with a 15 minute ride on the exercise bike. I’m feeling positive about it all especially after the good news today!

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