November 10, 2010

First physio session

Another day passes and things seem to be going in the right direction! I didn’t get a chance to use the Lectric Soda last night but will make sure I give it a go over the next few nights. Last night I rested the leg for a while by elevating it about heart level and icing it. I’ve been icing my knee quite a bit and it’s definitely helping along with the anti-inflammatory.  I did my exercises 3 times yesterday along with riding the exercise bike for 10 minutes on level 4 (even on level 5 for a while).
So the real exciting part for me was seeing my physio for the first time today!  I have full confidence in him as I saw him 7 years ago (he reminded me it was 7 years ago whereas I thought it was 5!) to help with my ankle rehab. At the time I was meant to have been out for 10 weeks but came back after 4 thanks to him! His name is Roger Moore and he recently finished up at the North Melbourne football club (Kangaroos) after being their physio for 21 years! Lots and lots of experience there! Interesting enough he also knows my surgeon Hayden Morris through their kids! Small world!
Anyway the session was a good one. He initially looked at my knee and didn’t think the swelling was that bad (maybe it’s worse in my mind as its main concern right now). He got me to do one legged squats (1/4 of the way down) and I did 2-3 reasonably well. I was surprised as didn’t expect to be doing those so quickly! He then got me on the physio table to check the extension of my leg along with my ROM. He was happy with my ROM and basically said it’s enough to do my whole rehab program which was good to hear but that we needed to work on my extension (which was around 5 degrees from zero).  He then massaged the back of my knee for a good 10 minutes and that seemed to do the trick as he was able to get my extension to 0.
He then showed me a really good exercise using a medicine ball. Basically the medicine ball is against the wall with the injured leg slightly bent and pressed against it holding it up. He then got me to push back on the medicine ball which will help the teardrop muscles get some size and strength back as well as helping my gait (assisting walking). The focus of the session was to work on the areas which will help me walk again properly. He then briefly showed me how to use a sports cord in 4 different directions to help get my balance back. Overall the plan for the next week is as follows:
1)      Exercise ball on wall – 10 second squeeze for 6 reps x 4 sets
2)      Lying down with towel under ankle (pushing knee down) to regain more extension. He wants to get me down to -5 degrees. 5 seconds for 10 reps x 3 sets
3)      ¼ squat – he didn’t specify how many of these to do
4)      Using the sports cord on my good leg he wants me to balance on my operated leg whilst swinging the good leg in 4 different directions (forwards, backwards, left and right). He wants me to only start this one next Wednesday
5)      Upper body work in the gym – looking forward to getting back into it! Plan to start tomorrow!
Apart from all that he also wants me to continue with the straight leg raises (100 a day) and to start in the pool (walking laps, working on balance & leg swings) along with the usual elevating, icing and compression when I can. I also plan on continuing with my other exercises as well as the bike. Looks like I have a very busy week ahead!! Looking forward to getting into it!

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