November 2, 2010

October 11th – 2nd Operation (Happy birthday!)

I saw the surgeon on Monday October the 11th (my birthday coincidentally) for the 10 day check up. He had a bit of a look and was immediately concerned. He asked me to stand up without the brace and could see that I was struggling to keep any sort of balance. My leg was in pretty bad shape. He then immediately jabbed a needle in my knee and pulled out some blood. The colour of the blood was tomato red and he told me what I did not want to hear – my knee was infected. Happy b'day to me! Funnily enough in a way I was relieved as I knew something was wrong and it explained the sudden pain and aches I had been experiencing. I was told that I would feel a million bucks after the 2nd op to flush the infection out.
A second operation was scheduled immediately (following all the other operations he had scheduled that day). I was very calm while waiting in the waiting room, much more than the first time around. I was finally wheeled into the operating theatre around 6pm and a normal scope was done to try and flush out as much of the infection from my knee as possible. My parents visited me that night along with my wife Elma. I remember feeling much better but also groggy. I just wanted to sleep. They didn’t stay long and I had the best night’s sleep which I had for a while!

At Mercy Hospital - Elma in the background watching TV!
I stayed until hospital for 6 days feeling better each day. I was on an IV drip for the first 5 days for a ‘cover all’ antibiotic. It was discovered that the infection was staph. I was discharged on Saturday and given a tablet form of antibiotic (Cephalexin) and told by the surgeon to continue to take it for 6 weeks.

Outside on the balcony at Mercy Hospital - nothing can stop me now!

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