January 3, 2011

Day 96 - Last 2 weeks

It has been a couple of weeks since my last update and the rehab has been going along nicely with no major hiccups. I have also had 10 days off work which in some ways have made it more difficult to follow my rehab program as I have had to travel into the city to go to the gym whereas with work I am already in the city! Therefore I have been doing some rehab at home as well as the gym. Since my last update I’ve hit some other small milestones:
·         First time watching a movie at the cinemas since my knee reconstruction on December 27. This may seem like a very minor milestone and it probably it but it was good to get through an entire movie for the first time. I did have to stretch my leg out a couple of times but in general it felt fine
·         First time dancing since my knee reconstructions (if you call it dancing haha). We attended a wedding on the 29th and I was on the dance floor with my wife for around 45 minutes in total. Obviously I wasn’t going nuts on the dance floor but it was good to have a bit of a dance. The knee only swelled up slightly which is a good sign J
·         First time doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer. The first couple of times I was able to 5 minutes but last week I did 10 minutes for the first time
In general I’ve been doing straight leg raises, quad tensing and stretching in the morning. If I can I go to the gym in the afternoon to hit the weights and generally at night I’m on the exercise bike as well as using the sports cord to work on my balancing. Today’s program is a good example of what I have been doing lately:
·         Chest workout – Smith machine incline bench press (4 x 8), flat bench dumbbell press (3 x 7), flat dumbbell flyes (3 x 10) & dips (3 x 8)
·         Quad tensing & ankle pumps – 1 set of each
·         Straight leg raises – 3 sets of 10 (both legs)
·         Side leg raises & raises whilst lying on stomach – 1 set of 10 for each (both legs)
·         Ab workout (crunches) – 3 sets of 20
·         Hamstring curls - 3 sets of 15 (15-20 kgs)
·         Calf raises machine - 3 sets of 15 (20 kgs)
·         Leg press machine - 3 sets of 15 (140 lbs)
I’m seeing my physio next on the 20th of January so it will be interesting to see what he says on my progress. I’m seeing my surgeon next on the 24th of February by which time I hope I am given clearance to run. Overall the progress is coming along nicely.

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